50 Non-Tri-merged profile numbers - $100.00
100 Non - Tri-merged profile numbers - $150.00
150 Non - Tri-merged profile numbers - $250.00
50 - Tri-merged profile numbers - Must send information to tri-merge.
(Can be used at anytime) - $150.00
100 - Tri-merged profile numbers - Must send information to tri-merge.
(Can be used at anytime) - $250.00
(All the above come with instructions on how to trimerge and public record attachment)
Unlimited Monthly (30 Days)
No limit on how many profiles for 30 days
All 3 bureaus
Unlimited Monthly (30 Days)
No limit on how many clients for 30 days
Unlimited Monthly (30 Days)
No limit on how many profiles for 30 days
Unlimited Monthly (30 Days)
No limit on how many profiles for 30 days
Unlimited Monthly (30 Days)
No limit on how many profiles for 30 days