The Shopping Cart Trick is known as a method to receive credit cards without a result of a hard pull against your credit. This may be valuable to you if you are trying to earn cash back bonuses but are limited on credit cards. However, you should be aware that since you are adding a lot of credit cards to your arsenal, your average age of credit card accounts will be decreased which will affect your credit. There are a couple of criteria that you need to meet before performing this trick. By reading this article, you’ll be able to receive more credit cards without a hard pull on your credit score and receive great cash bonuses and great offers from stores.
How to do it :
Opt-in for Credit Card Promotions - One way to check if you're opted-in for credit card promotions is to see if you receive promotions through mail. If you do receive them through mail, then you are definitely opted in. If you have opted out, you can change this by going to optoutprescreen.com.
Only Applies to Cards Issued By Comenity Bank - Comenity Bank partners with many retail stores to provide a credit card designated for that specific store. Below, you will find a list of some stores that partner with Comenity Bank.
Turn off Pop-Up Blocker - If you have pop-up blocker enabled in your browser turn it off! Many credit card offers pop up. If you have this enabled, then you might miss an opportunity.
Be Careful with Your SSN - Some credit card offers require to enter your entire Social Security Number. If this is the case, chances are that the credit card is a hard pull. Offers that only ask for your last 4 digits of a SSN are not hard pull. Proceed with caution when applying for credit cards.
List of Qualifying Stores
Abercrombie & Fitch Ann Taylor Bath & Body Works Brylane Home Buckle Coldwater Creek Express Gamestop HSN (card will appear at the ver end of the check out process) J.Crew Jessica London JJill King Size Direct Loft Motorola MyPoints New York & Company One Stop Plus Overstock (Only soft pull even though it does ask for your full SSN, very nice high credit limit) PacSun Red Roof Inn (must sign up for their loyalty program) Romans Sportsman Guide Total Rewards Venus Victoria Secrets Wayfair Woman Within
How to Perform the Shopping Cart Trick
Go online to the store's website for the card you want.
Register for their website or loyalty program. You will want to provide your personal information. Providing your address is a must because it allows them to send promotions to your address.
Add a couple of items to your shopping cart.
Continue the check-out process until you reach the final page. If you have not received an offer, then you will have try again or try another website. Again, you do not have to purchase anything. The process of going to the final checkout page increases your chance of an offer to pop up.
Accept the offer and complete the application.
Note: Be sure to enter the same information that is on your credit report when you're applying for the credit card. If they cannot verify your identity, then you will not be eligible for the card.
Benefits of the Shopping Cart Trick
Bonuses - Different credit cards have different bonuses - some may be cash back while others may be related to the partnered store. Be sure to read the full details of the benefits!
Helps Build Your Credit Score - If your credit score is bad, this trick will allow you to rebuild your credit. Because these cards aren't a hard pull against your credit, they will not be able to see any bankruptcies or items that negatively affect your credit. If a borrower can show that he or she can pay off money even with bad credit, then the lender will be more inclined to loan money to them.
Able to Request a Higher Credit Limit - These types of credit cards typically have a lower credit limit around the $500 mark. After receiving your card, you can request for a higher limit for your spending needs.
If you are looking to increase your credit score or get more deals from stores, then the Shopping Cart Trick is the one trick for you. It's a fairly simple process to perform and a great way to earn some extra cash in your pocket. Just remember to follow the key qualifications in order for you to receive those great credit card offers.